Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Trailer Reviews

Well friends, 2010 is only a few days away, which means that the first trailers for some of the biggest movies of the next year are already finding their way to us. It is time now for what will be a regular feature on this blog, and I hope you enjoy it. It's time to review some trailers. (Click on the movie titles for a link to the trailers.)

1. Iron Man 2 (scheduled release: May 7, 2010)

Let's face it, you could just show me the words "Iron Man 2" on the screen and I would automatically get excited. This is probably the flick that I am most looking forward to, and I'm sure many of my fellow geeks share my anticipation. As for the trailer itself, it gives us great looks at new heroes and villains (Whiplash, War Machine, and Black Widow especially), but not much detail on the actual plot of the movie. Let's just hope that with all the star-studded superhero power, director Jon Favreau will not fall into the trap of "more is better." (*ahem* Batman and Robin *cough*) Still, Robert Downey Jr. looks as good as ever as the charming, boozing, warmongering Tony Stark, and this is one 2010 blockbuster that I will not be missing.
Trailer Grade: A-

2. Alice in Wonderland (scheduled release: March 5, 2010)

Tim Burton is known for the creepy and weird, and the trailer for his retelling of this classic story appears to be no exception. Johnny Depp's Mad Hatter has been the focal point of much of the speculation about the film, and the trailer pays a good amount of attention to his portrayal. (He is even doing the voice-over.) However, the trailer is short, and while we catch brief glimpses of some of our favourite characters, we see very little of them. The cast list for this film is superb with names such as Alan Rickman, Stephen Fry, Michael Sheen, and Christopher Lee, and their absence from the trailer is disappointing. Not so much so as the absence of anything substantial from relative unknown Mia Wasikowska as Alice, who we see, but never hear from. All in all, this movie appears to be what I have come to expect from Burton and Depp, and as such, gives me little to look forward to.
Trailer Grade: C

3. Robin Hood (scheduled release: May 14, 2010)

From Ridley Scott, the director of Gladiator, and Russell Crowe, the star of Gladiator, comes Robin Hood. Or as it looks from the trailer: "Gladiator in the woods with more horses." Everything about this trailer is bland. There of course is no plot reveal (to be fair, this is just the teaser), but the direction looks bland. Russell Crowe looks bland, and may be the worst choice to play Robin Hood since...well, since Kevin Costner. (Is Crowe the antithesis of the great Errol Flynn?) At least Costner had an awesome Bryan Adams song in his movie. I'm not sure what song is playing during this trailer, but it's garbage. I understand that they're trying to go in a more "gritty and real" direction, but I myself could use a bit more "merry men."
Trailer Grade: D+

That's it for now, thanks for stopping by. Have anything to say about these three trailers? Leave comments. Seen a good movie trailer recently and want me to check it out? Email me: dannylovesmovies@gmail.com

I'm Danny, and I love movie trailers.


  1. 1. i didn't see the first movie, but the first half of this trailer made me want to... but then the last half was just like a video game preview with lots of fighting, and so, it lost me -- too much of a boy movie.

    2. i love all things johnny & tim, so i might be biased.. but perhaps you'd like this trailer better: http://www.hulu.com/watch/115380/movie-trailers-alice-in-wonderland

    3. another boy movie. i liked the 90s "men in tights" version better. haha.

  2. I plan to see, and hopefully enjoy, all three.

    I'm, personally, stoked on this one-
