Thursday, December 31, 2009

Review: Avatar

I have had several requests concerning my thoughts on the movie Avatar, so I figured I would oblige those few individuals, and post a few things I took away from the film.

First off, let it be said that this movie is a technological marvel. Visually, it is hands down the greatest thing I have ever seen on screen. It is rare that a movie is able to really “wow” me anymore, especially from a technical standpoint, but director James Cameron certainly succeeded. I was consistently amazed at the variety of flora and fauna that call the world of Pandora their home, and my only regret is that I was not able to view the movie on an IMAX screen. I did however see it in 3D, and I would recommend this to any potential viewers. This movie was made to be a visual spectacle, and though the first 30 minutes of the film were a bit disorienting, I eventually overcame it and settled into a comfortable viewing experience.

Apart from the visual experience however, there is little to recommend about this film. The story is recycled from various other sources, and the characters are such clichés that at times they become exaggerated caricatures. That isn’t to say that the story is bad, it just brings nothing new to the table. It’s clear that Cameron wanted his film to have a message, it’s simply unclear what that message should be. Is this a film about the environment? Is it about oppression? I’m unsure. In conversations with friends recently, I’ve summarized the plot as Ferngully meets Dances With Wolves, and I feel that’s a pretty accurate description. Concerning the latter, Avatar definitely exhibits all the wonderful clichés of a story about the guilt of the white man, in which he identifies with an oppressed people and becomes a race-traitor. (Yet he still maintains his superiority becoming not only part of the native tribe, but their greatest champion and savior, without whom they are doomed.)

For the most part, I found the acting to be passable. It was difficult to identify with, or relate to, most of the cast because as I mentioned earlier, it is all played a bit too far. However, I enjoyed the character of Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), and I thought she made an excellent guide into the life of the Na’vi people. She played her part with kindness as well as a feral animosity that made me like her, and at times fear her.

In the end, I did enjoy this movie. It became easy to overlook the story because it is such a beautiful movie to look at. (Perhaps that’s my ADD kicking in. I’m always distracted by bright lights and pretty colors.) And I would recommend seeing this in the theater. I just can’t imagine that it will translate to home viewing well, and I feel that without the visuals holding it up, the flaws in story and character will be much more apparent.

Final Grade: B-

In other news, this blog has been up and running for 3 days now, and we are already up to almost 100 hits. So thank you, all of you, for stopping by and checking it out. Be sure and let me know what you think of the films I’ve reviewed, and feel free to add suggestions of your own. (A few of you already have, and thank you to those who have left comments, as well as those who have emailed me.) And please help spread the word! If you like this blog, tell your friends. Let’s see how quickly we can get that counter up to 1000. This is the last post for 2009, so have a safe and happy New Years, and I’ll see you again in 2010.



  1. Haven't seen Avatar yet, and I'm not in a hurry to, since I won't be able to view it in 3D.

    ..Did just watch The Men Who Stare at Goats. ..It was a major disappointment, considering the cast. (C at best)


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Just watched Invictus. I don't remember the real account of the Rugby match, but I do remember the Nelson Mandella 'revolution.'
    ..With that said, I give it a solid A-, I would have given it more, but in typical Clint Eastwood directorial fashion, it was about 20 minutes too long.

  4. Luke, I just posted my Invictus review. I'm afraid I did not like it as much as you did. And yes, I agree it was 20 minutes too long. It probably didn't help with all the slo-mo in the final match. Did we really need several minutes of the crowd cheering in slow motion? I say no.

  5. Don't let the IMAX moniker fool you, Danny. If you saw Avatar in a digital projection on a large format screen, chances are you saw the movie at a quality far surpassing that of most IMAX screens.

    I saw Star Trek on an IMAX screen in Orlando and was thoroughly disappointed in both the resolution and size of the screen (quite frankly, it was a screen of relatively ordinary size... for something akin to Carmike Cinemas).

    Perhaps Rave has spoiled me with its stadium seating and large-format screens, but if I had to choose between moving my neck versus squinting my eyes, I would have much rather preferred to pay the lower ticket price. The extra 6 bucks could have gone toward some tylenol.

    Also, if you haven't, you should also check out Baraka. There's no story, just pictures and music.
